- Notes for Math 223B: Algebraic Number Theory II, taught by Salim Tayou in the spring of 2024.
- Notes for Math 223A: Algebraic Number Theory I, taught by Melanie Matchett Wood in the fall of 2023.
- Notes for Math 155R: Coxeter Groups, taught by Colin Defant in the fall of 2023.
- Notes for a presentation on tensor products, created for Math 129: Number Fields, taught by Barry Mazur in the spring of 2022.
Expository Writings
- My undergraduate senior thesis on 3-torsion in class groups of orders in number fields, advised by Melanie Matchett Wood and Ashvin Swaminathan.
- An expository account of the parametrization of 3-isogeny Selmer groups of elliptic curves with j-invariant 0 due to Bhargava–Shnidman–Elkies. Submitted in the fall of 2024 as my final paper for Math 223AR: Introduction to Elliptic Curves, taught by Noam Elkies.
- A paper on explicit class field theory for elliptic curves with complex multiplication. Submitted in the spring of 2024 as my final paper for Math 223B: Algebraic Number Theory II, taught by Salim Tayou.
- An expository paper on the Peter–Weyl theorem and some of its implications. Submitted in the spring of 2024 as my final paper for Math 222: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, taught by Noam Elkies.
- A somewhat philosophical paper on isomorphism. Submitted in the fall of 2023 as my final paper for Philosophy 248R: Equality, taught by Eric Maskin, Barry Mazur, and Amartya Sen.
- An expository account of the categorical equivalence between compact connected Riemann surfaces and finite field extensions of the field of rational functions with coefficients in ℂ. Submitted in the spring of 2023 as my final paper for Math 213B: Riemann Surfaces, taught by Peter Kronheimer. (Warning: the first part of the paper contains a couple of mistakes.)
- An expository paper on Bhargava cubes and the correspondence between binary cubic forms and 3-torsion ideal classes in quadratic ring, corresponding roughly to Chapter 3 of my senior thesis. Submitted in the spring of 2023 as my final paper for Math 280Y: Arithmetic Statistics, taught by Fabian Gundlach.
- A paper on the combinatorics of the representation theory of the symmetric group, as developed by Vershik and Okounkov. Submitted in the spring of 2022 as my final paper for Freshman Seminar 51E: The Story of the Alternating Sign Matrix Conjecture, taught by Lauren Williams.